Sapio Seamless - ELN software scientists want to use

Collaborative Laboratory Notebook Software
Scientists are Smarter when they work Collaboratively
In a major advancement in Electronic Lab Notebook collaboration, Sapio is the only Electronic Lab Notebook that supports any number of scientists working on the same Experiment at the same time. The original author of a lab notebook experiment can designate other scientists to collaborate with them on their experiment. The designees can then work simultaneously on the experiment by writing notes, adding and loading new data, editing the existing content, and more! No longer is there the need to check in, check out lab notebooks blocking others from accessing them.

Electronic Lab Notebook Data Mining
Search, Visualize & Analyze ELN Data
The important work being done by scientists represents a large amount of knowledge that is likely failing to be captured by your organization.
You can also easily visualize lab notebook experimental data points in numerous ways with the ability to create interactive visualizations. Sapio's ELN Informatics module also enables analysis of the data.

Sapio Electronic Laboratory Notebook Software
Go Beyond Traditional ELN
By supporting ideation, experiment tracking, automated instrument data capture, lab management, search, visualization and analysis, the Sapio lab notebooks software platform is the only solution delivering on the promise of the digital lab today.
Did you know? Sapio offers free ELN software for academics.
Electronic Lab Notebook — All Your Lab Data at Your Fingertips
Modern laboratories now have massive troves of sample data and experiments to track, and juggling between notebooks and spreadsheets only holds back their productivity—lost, siloed, and fragmented data leads to a lower rate of experiment accuracy.
A replacement for manual notebooks, an Electronic Lab Notebook is a software platform delivering you a single consolidated system with unified data and laboratory processes that help speed up your R&D efforts. So you can go beyond traditional notebooks and drive agility in your laboratory operations.
Sapio Sciences's Seamless ELN is the industry-leading ELN for laboratories of any size. Now you can effortlessly elevate your note-taking experience with our science-aware informatics platform.
Unlock the Power of Data for Smarter Decisions
Leveraging a high-end Electronic Lab Notebook helps researchers harmonize all lab processes across an organization.
By enabling researchers to efficiently record data, an Electronic Lab Notebook facilitates each step of data management during the life cycle of an experiment—planning, execution, analysis, processing, and reporting. Additionally, this platform supports electronic signatures, inventory management, protocol templates, and complex workflow automation that help mend the disjointed data landscape in R&D at Pharma and BioTech.
Being at the forefront of the Digital Lab, Sapio Sciences is the only cutting-edge Informatics Platform providing modern laboratories with an integrated ELN and LIMS system. Its Seamless ELN fosters innovation while augmenting your lab processes for higher data throughput, leading to measurable (and quick) ROI.