What is flow cytometry used for? | Sapio Sciences Blog


Flow cytometry is a versatile technique used for a wide range of applications in biological and medical research, as well as in clinical diagnostics. Some of the most common uses of flow cytometry include:

  • Cell analysis: Flow cytometry is widely used to analyze the properties of individual cells, including their size, shape, granularity, and surface markers. This information can be used to identify and quantify different cell types, such as immune cells, stem cells, or cancer cells.
  • Cell sorting: Flow cytometry can be used to physically separate different types of cells based on their properties. This is achieved by using the flow cytometer to detect and sort cells into different containers based on their fluorescence and other characteristics.
  • DNA analysis: Flow cytometry can be used to measure DNA content in individual cells, allowing researchers to study the cell cycle and cell division.
  • Protein analysis: Flow cytometry can be used to measure the expression levels of specific proteins in individual cells, providing insights into cellular signaling pathways and protein-protein interactions.
  • Microbial analysis: Flow cytometry can be used to analyze microbial populations in environmental samples, such as soil or water, providing insights into microbial diversity and community structure.
  • Clinical diagnostics: Flow cytometry is used in clinical settings for the diagnosis and monitoring of various diseases, such as leukemia and HIV/AIDS, as well as for assessing immune function in patients undergoing transplantation or chemotherapy.

Overall, flow cytometry is a powerful and versatile technique that allows for the rapid analysis of large numbers of individual cells or particles, providing valuable insights into the complexity of biological systems.

Learn about Sapio Sciences’ flow cytometry data analysis tool here.

Common flow cytometry questions: